Our Services

Creative Collaborations was formed out of the desire to free up nonprofit staff and volunteer time to focus on their missions, passions, and strengths. In 2007 and 2008, we held over 50 interviews and discussions with nonprofit staff and volunteers, consultants, funders, and service providers in order to assess the interest in Creative Collaborations developing and delivering shared infrastructure and administrative services. These interviews and discussions helped us identify major areas of need for support services.

Informed by these conversations, we conducted a preliminary survey in 2008 of nonprofit infrastructure needs, from which we received responses from 38 organizations. While we believe our preliminary report of survey results captures essential information about nonprofit infrastructure needs, we also recognize that it is not complete — especially in representing the needs of small organizations. We are continuing to survey nonprofits in order to more thoroughly identify gaps in infrastructure support.

Click here to take our survey.

See Nonprofit Infrastructure Services Needs Assessment Survey: Preliminary Results Here

Our final needs assessment report, projected for Fall 2009, will drive the services and collaborative opportunities that Creative Collaborations will provide. The broad categories of these services and collaborative opportunities, based on preliminary interviews and survey responses, are below. We welcome your questions, feedback, and insights on these categories or on the report.

Benefits and Insurance

  1. Medical, Dental, and Vision

  2. Retirement

  3. Other Insurance


  1. Fiscal Sponsorship

  2. Bookkeeping and Accounting Management

  3. Credit and Financial Services


  1. Human Resources

  2. Meetings

  3. Project Management

  4. Policy and Procedure Management

  5. Travel and Transportation

Technology and Communications

  1. IT and Data

  2. Communications Technology

  3. Design

  4. Messaging

  5. Media

  6. Information Sharing and Distribution

Facilities, Supplies, and Printing

  1. Office Supplies and Procurement

  2. Copying, Printing, and Related Services

  3. Equipment and Furnishings

  4. Facilities Search, Maintenance, and Management

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