Member Benefits

Nonprofit Collaborative. Creative Collaborations is a nonprofit organization. Any ‘profits’ we make go back into serving our mission and our membership. Our membership has a voice in our leadership and decision-making. Our business model is based on principles of social, racial, economic, and environmental justice, and we support organizations working to integrate progressive values in their social change work.

Administrative Support Services. As a member, your organization can receive administrative support services in key business operations areas. By streamlining activities that can be done by our shared staff, we reduce time, effort, and cost for all the participating organizations, thus freeing up your staff, volunteers, and stakeholders to work on your mission more effectively.

Collaboration Support Services. As a member, your organization can retain our support for the collaborations you are involved in. We can provide infrastructure support for your collective programmatic work, while your partners and you can focus on building the relationships, expanding your networks, and realizing the programmatic, social change opportunities presented in your collective power.

Negotiated Discounts for Members. We negotiate directly with vendors to secure bulk discounts for member organizations. You no longer have to spend hours of your time trying to find the best deals or find the resources you need to do your work.

Shared Resources Coordination. We provide coordination and administrative services for organizations that want to share resources.  Wouldn’t it save your staff time and energy if they didn’t have to search for ADA-compliant event and meeting spaces, translation headsets, projectors, audio conference units, video recording devices, and other resources that some of us have and are willing to share? What if we pooled our resources, and we could reserve resources like we do library books?

Shared Document Repository. Our shared document repository provides each member organization with

  1. A secured intranet* (accessible by your organization only)

  2. A collaborative intranet (accessible by CC members only: nonprofit and community groups interested in integrating progressive values for social change)

  3. Customizable functionality, access, and administrative control for calendaring, discussion groups, lists, based on individual users as well as group preferences

  4. Shared administration, training, support, and maintenance

The shared document repository is organized so organizations and groups can find each other by issue, location, identity/constituent, strategy, or function.

Shared tools, processes, and procedures with orientation, training, and documentation. The more tools, processes, and procedures we can share, the more opportunities we have to build a collaborative infrastructure. Each of our organizations can benefit from the expertise and best practices we have across our collective organizations.

What if we pool our resources to create shared online, on demand and refresher training tools and learning modules for staff, volunteers, and board members? What if we could create a shared policy manual that your organization could customize as needed?  And Creative Collaborations could provide new staff, new volunteer, and new board orientations? Reduce new-member frustration and reduce the drain on your organization’s resources.


  1. *An intranet is an online space to share documents, calendaring, photos, lists, tasks, and other common materials

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